tisdag 11 februari 2014

This is how i really feel.

Okej, då var i alla fall konserten avklarad. Det gick väl ganska bra egentligen. Vet inte om det finns så mycket mer att säga, min fosterfamilj hade inte tid att komma. Såklart hade jag ju räknat med det eftersom det är en vana att mina riktiga föräldrar inte brukar komma men jag blev ändå lite besviken.

And what i really mean:

The concert went quite well but I got really sad when I was informed that my fosterfamily wouldn't be able to make it. It makes me sad because it went well, that means that they missed something. I know I'm far away from being a good singer but I really wanted them to see how much better I've become. My friends didn't even notice that i went to the bathroom and cried. My mum came to the concert though, it was the first time she heard me sing. I didn't care about what she thought, I just wanted to have the persons that I cared about the most to be there.

I am happy but at the same time I'm so unhappy it's unbelivable. I want to be able to say that I have a home and mean it. I had a home 6 months ago but I was forced away. I still think It's mean that i couldn't stay, my life was going so well. Even my MOM have said that they shouldn't have moved me away. I was happy there, I miss them so much. This is a horrible feeling and I honestly don't know for how long I am going to be able to live with it.

I just can't stop thinking how my life could have been if i hadn't moved from there.


I had a dream my life would be, so different from this hell I'm living. So different now from what it seemed.
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

( Just like the song i sung yesterday..)

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